Here you will find an updated list of my publications (last update, April 2024). If you can’t access any of these resources, feel free to e-mail me or request a PDF through my ResearchGate profile!


Ordóñez-Parra CA, Medeiros NF, Dayrell RLC, Le Stradic S, Negreiros D, Cornelissen T & Silveira FAO (2023) Seed functional ecology in Brazilian rock outcrop vegetation: an integrative synthesis. bioRxiv,


Reginato M†, Ordóñez-Parra CA†, Messeder JVS, Brito VLG, Dellinger A, Kriebel R, … & Silveira FAO (2024) MelastomaTRAITs 1.0: a database of functional traits in Melastomataceae, a large pantropical Angiosperm family. Ecology. († Co-first authors)

Peer-reviewed Papers

Medeiros NF, Ordóñez‐Parra CA, Buisson E & Silveira FAO (2024). Systematic review of field research reveals critical shortfalls for restoration of tropical grassy biomes. Journal of Applied Ecology.

Silveira FAO, Fuzessy L, Phartyal SS, Dayrell RLC, Vandelook F, Vázquez-Ramírez J, … & Saatkamp A (2024) Overcoming major barriers in seed ecology research in developing countries. Seed Science Research, 33(3), 172 - 181.

Arruda AJ, Medeiros NF, Fiorini CF, Ordóñez-Parra CA, Dayrell RLC, Messeder JVS, … & Silveira FAO (2023) Ten principles for restoring campo rupestre, a threatened tropical, megadiverse, nutrient-impoverished montane grassland. Restoration Ecology, e13924.

Figure summarizing the ten principles presented in the paper.

Ordóñez‐Parra CA, Dayrell RLC, Negreiros D, Andrade AC, Andrade LG, Antonini Y, … & Silveira FAO (2022). Rock n’ Seeds: A database of seed functional traits and germination experiments from Brazilian rock outcrop vegetation. Ecology, 104(1), e3852.

Figure 2 in the datapaper metadata showing the ten families with most species in the dataset.

Toone TA, Ahler SJ, Larson JE, Luong JC, Martínez‐Baena F, Ordóñez‐Parra CA, … & van der Ouderaa IB (2022). Inclusive restoration: Ten recommendations to support LGBTQ+ researchers in restoration science. Restoration Ecology, 31(3) e13743.

Silveira FAO, Ordóñez‐Parra CA, Moura LC, Schmidt IB, Andersen AN, Bond W, … & Pennington RT (2022). Biome Awareness Disparity is BAD for tropical ecosystem conservation and restoration. Journal of Applied Ecology, 59(8), 1967-1975.

Figure 2 in Silveira et al. (2022) showing the disparity between empirical research and biome area.

Book Chapters

Ordóñez-Parra CA, Messeder JVS, Mancipe-Murillo C, Calderón-Hernández M, & Silveira FAO (2022). Seed Germination Ecology in Neotropical Melastomataceae: Past, Present, and Future. In: Goldenberg R, Michelangeli FA, Almeda F, eds. Systematics, Evolution, and Ecology of Melastomataceae. Springer, Cham., 707-733.

Daibes LF, Ordóñez-Parra CA, Dayrell RLC, Silveira FAO (2022). Regeneration from seeds in South American savannas, in particular the Brazilian Cerrado In: Baskin CC, Baskin JM, eds. Plant Regeneration from Seeds. Elsevier, 183–197.

Figure 1 in Daibes et al. (2022) showing the records recovered by our literature review.

Basto S, Ordóñez-Parra CA, Contreras S, Díaz Ariza LA, Acero Nitola AM, … Barrera-Cataño JI (2018). Capítulo 1. Bosque Altoandino. In: Basto S, Moreno AC, Barrera-Cataño JI, eds. Restauración ecológica en áreas post-tala de especies exóticas en el Parque Forestal Embalse del Neusa. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana & Corporación Autónoma Regional de Cundinamarca - CAR, 27-54.

Tulande E, Moreno AC, Contreras S, Roa-Fuentes LL, Ordóñez-Parra CA, .. Basto S (2018). Capítulo 5. Monitoreo a las trayectorias sucesional en áreas post talas del PFEN. In: Basto S. Moreno AC, Barrera-Cataño JI, eds. Restauración ecológica en áreas post-tala de especies exóticas en el Parque Forestal Embalse del Neusa. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana & Corporación Autónoma Regional de Cundinamarca - CAR, 103-152.

Barrera-Cataño JI, Moreno AC, Contreras S, Ordóñez-Parra CA, Díaz Ariza LA, … Basto S (2018). Capítulo 6. Estrategias de restauración ecológica para zonas post-tala en el PFEN. In: Basto S. Moreno AC, Barrera-Cataño JI, eds. Restauración ecológica en áreas post-tala de especies exóticas en el Parque Forestal Embalse del Neusa. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana & Corporación Autónoma Regional de Cundinamarca - CAR, 155-182.

Basto S, Ordóñez-Parra, CA, Roa-Fuentes, LL, Castillo-Díaz, D, Rivera-Díaz A (2018). Semillas: ¿promueven o limitan la restauración ecológica? In: Pinzón-García P, Aguilar-Garavito M, Quijano M, Sierra J, Rubio JA, eds. Restauración Ecológica en Colombia: un compromiso de país. Red Colombiana de Restauración Ecológica & Universidad Católica de Oriente, 357-384.