As a seed ecologist, I am deeply concerned about the limited awareness of seeds and their crucial role in both ecosystems and society. To address this, I have written various articles to highlight recent seed science studies and the researchers behind them. I also create graphical abstracts and infographics that summarise key findings in a succinct and visually engaging way. If you have an interesting seed science story and would like me to write about it, feel free to reach out!
Since 2024, I have been appointed as Communications Officer of the International Society for Seed Science (ISSS) —a professional and academic society committed to fostering and promoting research, education and communication in the scientific understanding of seeds. In this role, I have been in charge of managing the social media accounts —LinkedIn and Bluesky— of the ISSS and its official academic journal, Seed Science Research.
In this position, I’ve conducted interviews with Keynote Speakers of previous ISSS-sponsored conferences and members of the Editorial Board. In 2024, the ISSS also celebrated its 25th Anniversary which we celebrated with a series of posts showcasing members from all over the world, including notable members that lead key moments of our society.
BotanyOne is the official weblog of the Annals of Botany Company that aims that that fascinating discoveries about plants can reach and inspire the widest possible audience —from classroom teachers to citizen scientists. I initially contributed as a guest writer and, since April 2023, have served as a Scientific Editor. In this role, I collaborate with researchers from diverse backgrounds, helping them craft compelling narratives about plant science discoveries. Moreover, I conduct interviews with plant scientists from all over the world to show how diverse botanists and the stories behind them are. Below, you’ll find a selection of my favourite articles, and you might find the complete list here.
The Challenges Faced by Lichens in Changing Valdivian Forests,
Rosy Isaias: “Plant Biology is fascinating and has mysteries and challenges yet to be discovered”
Charlotte Taylor: “Looking at Plants is Never Boring and Endlessly Fascinating”
How to Live on a Hot, Dry Rock: Different Solutions to the Same Problem
Unlocking the Tiny Secrets to Grow the World’s Largest Flowers
Traitor: Unleashing the Power of Automation for Studying Seed Traits
Most plants come from seeds. What does this mean for us?, December 15th, 2021.
As part of the Plantae’s Fellow Class of 2020 —a program hosted by and the American Society of Plant Biologists— I contributed with 100 research summaries for its newsletter Plant Science Research Weekly. These summaries coverered a myriad of seed science topics from molecular biology to ecological synthesis. Below is a selection of summaries on various topics, and you can find the full list here. I also edited the July 30th, 2020 edition, which featured seven papers on seed evolution.
Shielding the oil reserves: the scutellum as a source of chemical defenses. February 18th, 2022.
Expression analyses in Ginkgo biloba provide new insights into the evolution and development of the seed. December 10th, 2021.
A prion-like protein regulator of seed germination undergoes hydration- dependent phase separation. August 13th, 2021.
Experimental evidence of microbial inheritance in plants and transmission routes from seed to phyllosphere and root. February 5th, 2021.
The process of seed maturation is influenced by mechanical constraints. September 24th, 2020.
Extending Plant Defense Theory to Seeds. August 28th, 2020.
How animals shaped fruit traits, and how they did not. May 1st, 2020.
Ordóñez-Parra CA (2018). Dilvulgación Científica [Radio Interview] Available at:
Ordóñez-Parra CA (2018). La ciencia debería importarnos a todos en Colombia [Open Editorial] Available at:
Ordóñez-Parra CA & Mancera-Cortés J (2017). Una historia verde que se cuenta y se escribe en el campus de la Javeriana. Revista Javeriana, 834: 64-67.
Ordóñez-Parra CA & Basto S (2016). El reto de identificar la especie a la cual pertenece una semilla. Revista Javeriana, 830: 60-64.